Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Probably the biggest theme underlying all of today's discussions is money. So many solutions exist for many of the technology problems we all face; unfortunately, we don't have unlimited, unrestricted funding to make some of these things happen. I've always been a big fan of the Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) community; the dilemma there is drawing the line between functionality, price, and support. The other piece of the puzzle, hardware, can be solved by things like group negotiated pricing (thank you NetHope) and alternate sources like eBay, etc.

An example is a conversation we just had in the lunch buffet line: the need for traffic shaping/Internet filtering to make the most of slow Internet connections. We're using Squid to do some of this in DRC, with plans to roll out in other parts of Africa, but this doesn't scale and isn't easily supportable.


Marc Sirkin said...

Yes, but what did you eat from the buffet and did you have 2nd and 3rds?

Anonymous said...

Just one helping each of:

- Rice
- Steamed vegetables
- Eggplant in batter
- Tamal
